  • 微信截图_20220507104845.png


The butterfly buckle is composed of two replaceable half-rings, shaft sleeves and positioning pins, which are used to connect the chain with hooks, lifting points or other sling accessories. It is convenient and quick to install and easy to operate. It is made of high-quality alloy steel and then heat-treated; the surface is treated with anti-rust treatment, and the strength level reaches grade 8.


Sling chain and crane used round link chain

Product Details


The butterfly buckle is composed of two replaceable half-rings, shaft sleeves and positioning pins. It is used to connect the chain with hooks, lifting points or other sling accessories. It is convenient and quick to install and easy to operate. It is made of high-quality alloy steel and undergoes heat treatment; the surface is treated with anti-rust treatment, and the strength level reaches 8.


Dimensions and Mechanical Properties

Code Matching ring chain diameter
Main dimensions Weight
Ultimate working load
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
HK06/1.1 6 7 40 16 13.5 0.12 1.1
HK08/2 7/8 9 56 22 18 0.16 2
HK10/3.2 10 12 68 26 25 0.3 3.2
HK13/5.4 13 15 88 33 29 0.69 5.4
HK16/8.1 16 19 104 40 36 1.1 8.1
HK20/12.6 18/20 22 125 48 43 1.8 12.6
HK22/15.3 22 24 150 59 49 3.2 15.3
HK26/21.2 26 29 160 61 58 4.5 21.2
HK32/32.2 32 36 200 78 70 9 32.2

Safety guarantee: 4 times the safety factor, 2.5 times the verification load.


    • Butterfly buckle
    • Sling chain

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