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Short-ring hoisting chain

According to GB/T24816, DIN17115 standards and related industry standards, it is made of alloy steel containing alloy trace elements such as Alloy: 10-≥1000MPa strength grade, 11-≥1100MPa strength grade, 12-≥U00MPa strength grade


Sling chain and crane used round link chain

Product Details

According to GB/T24816, DIN17115 and related industry standards, it is made of alloy steel containing alloy trace elements such as Alloy

10-≥1000MPa strength grade

11-≥1100MPa strength grade

12-≥1100MPa strength grade


According to GB/T24816, DIN17115

And related industry standards (10, 11, 12, etc.)

Dimensions and mechanical properties

Standard sizes


b1b2 b2 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 weight
dxt(p) minimum maximum value Lifting capacity Test force breaking force Lifting capacity Test force breaking force Lifting capacity Test force breaking force
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [t] [kN] [kN] [t] [kN] [kN] [t] [kN] [kN] [kg/m]
13x39 39±1.2 16.9 48.1 6.7 166 265 7.5 182 291 8 199 318 4.1
16x48 48±1.4 20.8 59.2 10.3 251 402 11 276 442 12 301 482 6.2
18x54 54±1.6 23.4 66.6 12.5 318 509 14 340 560 15.5 381 610 8.0
19x57 57±1.7 24.7 70.3 14 354 567 15.5 390 623 17 425 680 9.0
20x60 60±1.8 26 74 16 393 628 17.5 432 690 19 471 754 9.9
22x66 66±2 28.6 81.4 19.4 475 760 21 522 836 23 570 912 12.0
23x69 69±2.1 29.9 85.1 20 519 831 22.8 571 914 24.9 623 997 13.1
24x72 72±2.1 30 84 23 566 905 24.8 672 995 27 678 1085 14.5
25x75 75±2.2 32.5 92.5 25 614 982 27 675 1080 29.4 736 1176 15.6
26x78 78±2.3 33.8 96.2 26.5 664 1060 29 730 1168 31.8 796 1274 16.8
28x84 84±2.5 36.4 104 30.5 769 1230 34 846 1354 37 923 1477 19.5
30x90 90±2.7 37.5 105 35.5 884 1415 39 972 1554 42.5 1060 1696 22.1
32x96 96±2.9 41.6 118 40.5 1006 1610 44 1105 1768 48 1206 1929 25.4
36x108 108±3.2 46.8 133 50 1272 2035 56 1399 2238 61 1526 2442 32.1
38x114 114±3.4 49.4 140.6 56.5 1420 2270 62.5 1559 2494 68 1700 2720 35.8
40x120 120±4 52 148 62.5 1571 2515 69 1727 2763 75.5 1884 3014 39.7
45x135 135±4 58.5 167 81 1988 3180 87.5 2186 3498 95.5 2384 3815 52.2
48x144 144±4.3 62.4 177.6 92 2263 3620 99.5 2487 3980 108.5 2713 4341 57.2
50x150 150±4.5 65 185 98 2453 3925 108 2698 4318 118 2944 4710 62.0


Minimum elongation at breaking force of natural black chain:

Level 10 25%,

Level 11, Level 12 20%

allowable workload

Should not exceed 25% of the breaking force

Fatigue strength test

T = at least 20 000 cycles


According to GB/T24816, DIN17115, PN-EN818-2 standard (level 8)

Dimensions and mechanical properties

Standard sizes


t=P b1 min b2 max Lifting capacity

Level 8

Test force

breaking force weight
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [t] [kN] [kN] [kg/m]
13X39 39±1.2 16.9 48.1 5.3 133 212 4.1
16X48 48 ±1.4 J20.8 59.2 8 201 322 6.2
18X54 54±1.6 J23.4 66.6 10 254 407 8.0
19X57 57±1.7 24.7 70.3 11.2 284 454 9.0
20X60 60±1.8 26 74 12.5 314 503 9.9
22X66 66±2 28.6 81.4 15 380 608 12.0
23X69 69±2.1 29.9 85.1 16 415 665 13.1
24X72 72±2.1 30 84 18 452 723 14.5
25X75 75 ±2.2 32.5 92.5 20 491 785 15.6
26X78 78±2.3 33.8 96.2^ 21.2 531 850 16.8
28X84 84 ±2.5 36.4 104 25 616 985 19.5
30X90 90±2.7 37.5 105 28 706 1J30 22.1
32X96 96±2.9 41.6 118 31.5 804 1^90 25.气
36X108 108±3.2 46.8 133 40 1020 1630 32.1
38X114 以 4±3.4 49.4 140.6 45 1130 1810 35.牛
40X120 120±4 52 148 50 1260 2 010 39.7
45X135 135±4 58.5 167 63 L590 2^540 52.2^
48X144 144 ±4.3 62.4 177.6 72 1800 2J90 57.2
50X150 150 ±4.5 65 185 78.5 1963 3140 62.0

Minimum relative total elongation at breaking force

• Level 8 -20%

Allow dynamic workloads

Should not exceed 25% of breaking force Fatigue strength test

T = at least 20 000 cycles
According to individual agreement with the customer can be produced according to
Class 4 chains according to PN-EN 819-3

Allow dynamic workloads

Chain Nominal Size single limb sling
factor 1.0
Double limb sling
factor 1.4
factor 1.0
[mm] Level 8 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 Level 8 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 Level 8 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12
13 5.3 6.5 7.5 8 7.5 9.1 10.5 11.2 5.3 6.5 7.5 8
16 8 10.3 11 12 11.2 14.4 15.4 16.8 8 10.3 11 12
18 10 12.5 14 15.5 14 17.5 19.6 21.7 10 12.5 14 15.5
19 11.2 14 15.5 17 16 19.6 21.7 23.8 11.2 14 15.5 17
20 12.5 16 17.5 19 17 22.4 24.5 26.6 12.5 16 17.5 19
22 15 19.4 21 23 21.2 27.1 29.4 32.2 15 19.4 21 23
26 21.2 26.5 29 31.8 30 37.1 40.6 44.5 21.2 26.5 29 31.8
28 25 30.5 34 37 33.5 42.7 47.6 51.8 25 30.5 34 37
30 28 35.5 39 42.5 39.2 49.7 54.6 59.5 28 35.5 39 42.5
32 31.5 40 44 48 45 56 61.6 67.2 31.5 40 44 48
36 40 50 56 61 56 70 61.6 85.4 40 50 56 61
38 45 56.5 62.5 68 63 78.4 78.4 95.2 45 56.5 62.5 68
40 50 62.5 69 75.5 70 87.5 96.6 105.7 50 62.5 69 75.5
45 63 81 87.5 95.5 88.2 113.4 122.5 133.7 63 81 87.5 95.5
50 78.5 98 108 118 109.9 137.2 151.2 165.2 78.5 98 108 118


Allow dynamic workloads

Chain Nominal Size Three-limb, four-limb sling

 ring sling

Factor 1.6  

Factor 2.1
Factor 1.5  
[mm] Level 8 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 Level 8 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 Level 8 Level 10 Level U Level 12
13 11.1 13.6 15.7 16.8 7.9 9.7 11.2 12 8.4 10.4 12 12.8
16 16.8 21.6 23.1 25.2 12 15.4 16.5 18 12.8 16.4 17.6 19.2
18 21 26.2 29.4 32.5 15 18.75 21 23.2 16 20 22.4 24.8
19 23.5 29.4 32.5 35.7 16.8 21 23.2 25.5 17.9 22.4 24.8 27.2
20 26.2 33.6 36.7 39.9 18.7 24 26.2 28.5 20 25.6 28 30.4
22 31.5 40.7 44.1 48.3 22.5 29.1 31.5 34.5 24 31 33.6 36.8
26 44.5 55.6 60.9 66.7 31.8 39.7 43.5 47.7 33.9 42.4 46.4 50.8
28 52.5 64 71.4 77.7 37.5 45.7 51 55.5 40 48.8 54.4 59.2
30 58.8 74.5 81.9 89.2 42 53.2 58.5 63.7 44.8 56.8 62.4 68
32 66.1 84 92.4 100.8 47.2 60 66 72 50.4 64 70.4 76.8
36 84 105 117.6 128.1 60 75 84 91.5 64 80 89.6 97.6
38 94.5 118.6 131.2 142.8 67.5 84.7 93.7 102 72 90.4 100 108.8
40 105 131.2 144.9 158.5 75 93.7 103.5 113.2 80 100 110.4 120.8
45 132.3 170.1 183.7 200.5 94.5 121.5 131.2 143.2 100.8 129.6 140 152.8
50 164.8 205.8 226.8 247.8 117.7 147 162 177 125.6 156.8 172.8 188.8


Temperature t【℃】
-40<t<200 200<t<300 300<t<400 t>400
100% 90% 75% 不允许的



Correction factor for objects with sharp edges and corners

Sharpness of corners 1 1 1
coefficient 1.0 0.7 0.5
    • Short Link Lifting Chain

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Our company can produce three series and multiple varieties of high-strength circular chain, compact chain, slag chain, continuous chain, mining car three-ring chain, hoisting chain, marine chain, Fishing chains, hoisting chains and accessories for various slings...

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Tel: +86-513-87599133

Fax: +86-513-87590030

E-mail: sales@jsgljj.com / salesrita@jsgljj.com

Add: Jiang'an Development Zone, Rugao City, Jiangsu Province

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